Well here I am, seems like these months jsut fly by.
Okay so here are my stats!!LOL
Weight loss to date is 57.5lbs since surgery Nov. and 72lbs since PATs in Oct.
My total loss in inches is 25 and that is from dec.3 so it would have been my 1 month. I forgot to take measurements before.
So needless to say I am thrilled the way things are going. I got my blood work done last Monday here at home and got them to fax my results to the clinic in MI. They Dawn, Dr.Schrams nurse I believe called me. She says I am doing great except my B12 is on the low end. So we were able to find the right stuff online on EBAY. Its called Spring Valley B-complex it is a sublingual liquid droplet. I get 2oz a day for basically the rest of my life, which is fine considering its only $8.00 every 2 months. So next time I am in the states I will be stocking up big time.LOL
So Im doing really good. Im pleased with all the results thus far and cant wait to see where I will be at in another month!!